
How To Lose Weight But Keep Your Bum

woman doing box squats at the gym

Loftier-intensity cardio is a smashing way to lose weight without losing your barrel.

Image Credit: Anchiy/E+/GettyImages

When you lose weight and fat, your whole body starts to shrink, and that typically includes your butt. But if you're strategic when it comes to do, you tin can lose that unwanted weight and proceed a round booty.

Specifically, doing the right type of forcefulness training alongside loftier-intensity workouts can help you lose weight without losing your bottom. Max Gomez, ACE-certified fitness trainer and owner of AMP'D Fitness in New Bailiwick of jersey, weighs in on what you lot should do to strengthen those glutes while getting your body to shed the extra pounds.

one. Create a Calorie Arrears

In lodge to get the scale moving in the correct direction, you lot demand to create a calorie deficit. This means you need to burn more energy than you accept in. The bigger the arrears, the more than you lot'll lose, merely you should aim for gradual and steady weight loss to stay good for you, according to the Centers for Affliction Control and Prevention.

You'll need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound, according to the Mayo Clinic. So, if yous cut approximately 500 to 1,000 calories from your daily diet (or burn down some of information technology from physical activity), yous tin can safely lose the recommended ane to ii pounds a week.

In order to cut calories, you starting time need to understand how many calories yous're eating to maintain your electric current weight. If you're not sure, you tin can starting time with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans' Estimated Calorie Needs chart to become a general idea. And you may also want to apply a calorie counter, such every bit's MyPlate app, to help you get more than specific.

2. Build Your Glutes

As you lot lose weight, you can replace some of the lost volume in your haul by building up your glute muscles. Because muscle is denser than fat, per The Social & Health Enquiry Center, your new butt will have a more lifted, perkier appearance.

And having more muscle volition boost your metabolism, making it easier for you to not only shed fatty, but besides continue it off. According to the National Council on Force and Fitness, muscle tissue at residuum burns approximately vi calories daily per pound, while fat burns only ii to 3 calories daily per pound.

Every bit office of a total-trunk strength-training program, you should work your glutes at least two days per calendar week, as recommended by the Concrete Activity Guidelines for Americans.

Here'due south a list of some of the most effective exercises that target the glutes, according to Gomez and a March 2022 article in the ​Journal of Sports Science & Medicine​:

Gomez suggests you do three sets of each exercise for 6 to 8 reps with a weight that feels heavy merely manageable for several weeks. So, switch to holding a lighter weight and doing more reps, such as iii sets of 10 to 12 reps.

Y'all can experiment with even higher rep counts, but you really shouldn't go higher than 20 reps per set, Gomez says. Every bit you lot go stronger, yous should increment the weight you're working with.

He doesn't recommend doing all of these glute exercises in the aforementioned workout. Rather, cull 2 or three per session and mix them in with moves that target other parts of your body, like your arms and back.

And remember to always change your intensity based on how you're feeling. "The most of import thing you tin can do is listen to your trunk," Gomez says.

3. Do Loftier-Intensity Cardio to Shed Fat

Believe it or not, when it comes to losing fat only keeping your bum, not all cardio is created equal. Jumping on the treadmill for an hour a day will definitely burn down calories and help you lose weight, but it may as well give you a pancake butt.

"Cardio-only workouts are a losing battle and volition not help y'all build the haul," Gomez says.

A better selection is shorter, college-intensity workouts like sprints, stair climbing, spinning, kickboxing and HIIT (high-intensity interval preparation) workouts, which all build musculus.

If you're not in the know, HIIT workouts are bouts of intense activity (performed at lxxx to 95 percent of your max heart rate) followed by brief recovery periods, according to the American Higher of Sports Medicine. These workouts take every corporeality of free energy you have, only the payoff is worth information technology.

Preserving and building muscle definition are just a couple of the benefits of HIIT, so yous don't have to worry almost losing your butt while losing weight. Research shows this blazon of grooming can as well assistance shed body fat, ameliorate cardio fitness (VOtwo max) and improve blood pressure, insulin sensitivity and cholesterol profiles.

Not convinced on how awesome HIIT workouts are? A June 2022 article in ​Obesity Reviews​ found that short-term HIIT workouts can lead to a fair amount of body composition improvements without even losing weight, despite minimal fourth dimension commitment.

Gomez suggests doing a HIIT workout for no more than 20 to xxx minutes to get the near benefit. Any longer than that, and you'll upward your risk for injury and exhaustion.

iv. Think, You lot Can't Spot Reduce

It's a total bummer that you can't target particular areas of your trunk for weight loss. You lot lose fat proportionally and gradually all over your body, co-ordinate to the American Quango on Exercise (ACE). "Fat comes off the same way it goes on," Gomez says.

Thanks to genetics, your body type or shape may play a role in how much fatty you lose from your rear, according to the International Sports Sciences Association. For instance, if y'all have a trend to store fat around your hips and barrel, you'll likely keep some of your rear. If you store fat more in your belly, you may take to piece of work harder to plump up your barrel.


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