
How To Keep Dogs From Pulling On Leash

I detest pulling. My Canis familiaris Pulls. Three words that represent the blight of a surprising number of canis familiaris owners lives, with a iii word solution: Loose Leash Walking.

First, delight know if you're struggling with this, you are not alone. 82.vii% of dog parents in a recent study say that their dog pulls and information technology'southward a problem!

Whether you're struggling because you've got a large dog and her pulling on the ternion is pain y'all, or you've got a fiddling dog, and you're embarrassed that they just cannot walk nicely. Or you but cannot seem to get it right. Or, if yous're a new puppy parent (Yay! You found your best place!), you just want to go it right, correct from the beginning.

This piece will solve that for you.

How tin I say that? Well, I mean, other than the fact that I used to be a dog walker, and non one of my dogs pulled (at to the lowest degree, the ones I trained and kept on my services didn't – with some cooperation from Mum & Dad…), I've likewise taught a huge spectrum of dogs to walk on that loose leash simply, easily, and effectively with this method.

This ways you can take religion that this? Is all you'll ever need to become your dog to walk nicely.

As e'er, y'all need to get-go with the why.

  1. Why Does My Domestic dog Pull On His Lead
  2. Why Won't My Dog Stop Pulling On The Ternion?
  3. Why Your Dog Needs To Walk Loose Leash?
    • For Your Safety
    • For Your Canis familiaris's Safety
  4. Loose Ternion Vs Heel
  5. How To Stop Your Domestic dog Pulling On The Leash
    • Don't Crook, Just Train.
  6. Step 1 – Beginning With The Right Equipment
    • Which Harness…
    • Leash
    • The Great Matter About A Two Indicate Harness & A Double Concluded Lead?
  7. Step 2 – Rewards At The Fix!
  8. Step 3 – Implement Some General Rules
  9. Footstep 4 – Manage The Three D's
  10. Footstep 5 – The Method
    • If your canis familiaris begins to pull
    • Or… be a tree.
    • Or… U-turn
  11. Step half-dozen – Practice
  12. Footstep 7 – Exist Consistent.
  13. Question! Did Yous Notice I Didn't Associate This With A Cue Word?
  14. Notes On Situational Pulling…
    • Dog Pulling To Become Habitation
    • Dog Pulling To Get To Other Dogs
    • Dog Pulling To Sniff
  15. FAQ
    • All-time Canis familiaris Harness For Stopping Pulling
    • What Harness Stops A Domestic dog From Pulling?
    • What'southward Best To Stop My Domestic dog Pulling?
    • What Atomic number 82 Stops A Dog Pulling?
    • Is It Safe To Walk A Dog That Pulls While Meaning?
    • Can Pulling On A Leash Hurt Puppy?
    • Why Does My Dog Pulls On Leash To The Point Of Choking?
    • My Canis familiaris Barks Whilst He's Pulling On A Atomic number 82, Is That The Aforementioned?
    • My canis familiaris is Pulling And Biting The Leash, What Should I Do?
    • My Canis familiaris Is Nonetheless Pulling With A Gentle Leader, Why?
    • Why Is My Canis familiaris Pulling Backwards On His Leash?
    • Tin I Use A Prong Neckband or Pinch Collar To Brand My Canis familiaris Walk Nicely?
  16. Loose Ternion Success!
cavalier king charles spaniel pulling on a leash
condescending rex charles spaniel pulling on a leash – no matter how big or small your dog, a loose leash walk is essential.

Why Does My Dog Pull On His Atomic number 82

There are a few reasons for this. Either

  1. Your canis familiaris wants something that's over there! See?!
  2. You walk slower than he or she does.

Ordinarily? It's the latter, but there volition often exist a lilliputian of the quondam thrown in for good measure out. Knowing what to do when your dog pulls? Isn't easy.

Why Won't My Dog Stop Pulling On The Leash?

Because you're not showing him or her its important in a mode that they understand.

How I propose we exercise this? Is to brand it worth their while.

Rewards! We reward them for doing what nosotros want, and manage the situation when (or ideally earlier) they start getting it wrong.

Why Your Dog Needs To Walk Loose Leash?

To be honest, you likely already know this, simply hither it is, nevertheless.

For Your Rubber

🚩 De-gloving injuries are one of the most common injuries amongst dog owners – this is caused by a canis familiaris that pulls
🚩 This adds strain to your shoulder joints – and even I've suffered injuries from pulling dogs!
🚩 Risk to Significant women is huge.
🚩 Risk to anyone less able, is substantial

For Your Dog'south Safety

🚩 Dogs who pull often get injuries to their trachea
🚩 Neck strain from head collars is a real threat

This is ane of those things that's fine until it's not.

Before I trained professionally, I was a dog walker? And I can tell you first-hand that I've had a shoulder injury that's taken a yr to heal properly and a finger that got broken injured on separate occasions past one dog who no matter how much I tried? Would not learn leash manners.

Please note: this is non a reflection of my grooming, he was an adhoc client who I would have for two days or so every few months, he'd amend, then go back to his dad and suddenly he'd have forgotten everything… once more. Lovely dog though.

So! Point stands. Your domestic dog needs to exist able to walk on a leash.

loose leash vs heel, what's the difference?
loose leash vs heel, what's the divergence? A heel is ever a loose leash, but is a loose leash always a heel?

Loose Ternion Vs Heel

To me? Heel is totally unnecessary, a loose leash is pivotal.

Whilst all my dogs tin can walk at a perfect heel – I don't always enquire information technology of them when we're out walking, it's an practise we practise more for mental stimulation than for function.

Why? Considering your domestic dog, or puppy, doesn't need to be perfect – they need to exist practical. Information technology'south a encarmine big departure! (Alibi my french!) but it'due south an incredibly important ane – at least to me.

I discover too many people excruciate themselves because their puppy isn't perfect.

Social media, marketing and the media take so much to respond for on that front and it makes me so mad. Our lives have to be perfect, and that expectation extends to puppy and dog buying. Information technology puts such huge pressure on us that more and more people are tending to get the puppy blues.

Yep. Wicked isn't it? I'd bet that's a reason for dogs ending up in shelters likewise. Mumble.

This is why I will always steer well clear of the word "Perfect". It's wrong.

Tldr; heel is dainty, just loose leash is necessary.

Aaaaand back on betoken….

How To Stop Your Dog Pulling On The Leash

This process is tried, tested and proven. I've washed it with a huge group of people and successfully with dogs of all ages, sizes, shapes and breeds. So, please don't employ their breed as an alibi not to train.

Don't Cheat, Merely Train.

By adulterous, I hateful those things that offer miracles and quick solutions. Whilst information technology likely will attain their goal? It's also doing and then considering it, somehow, causes hurting or discomfort to your dog.

That very act creates a trouble. Your dogs walks are … well… for your dog. We want our dogs to be comfortable and confident on their walks, non in discomfort. But past the same degree, nosotros don't desire y'all injured either, and you both need to enjoy it.

Not to mention that the training will never transfer, and yous'll exist bound to that 'tool' for life.

So, the simplest manner of doing that? Is to train a proper loose leash.

Cheaters never prosper, huh?

Rebarkable Indie Ruffwear
This is Indie (my german language shepherd cross) in his Ruffwear Front Range harness. We dear it. This is really the 2d one (the start got a bit tatty and wasn't good for pictures, but information technology took a LOT of vesture and tear to go it in that location!) which is but one of the reasons I love these harnesses.

Step 1 – Offset With The Correct Equipment

Harness and apartment leash please!

This means :
❌ no bungee attachments
✅ 6ft ternion
❌ no discomfort causing equipment
✅ ii point harness
❌ no flexi-leads

You can offset learning on a neckband, it just means you've really got to get it right quicker because of the risk to their neck- so your call!

Which Harness…

✅ Woofles Harness (pocket-sized)
✅ Ruffwear Front Range (whatsoever)
✅ Ruffwear Flagline (any)
✅ Perfect Fit (any*)

*The Perfect-Fit is my favourite, in all honesty, but if your dog has a narrower chest? This may exist less than suitable, opt for the Front range instead, it gives a meliorate motility range!

These 4? Are platonic harnesses for you and your dog – no matter what size. One of these will work, take a expect for yourself, and if yous desire to chat, come chat! I've tried most of them, only carry in mind, I only take large dogs and then my knowledge is limited with the smaller woofs.

If you desire more harness aid? This is the actually up to date list that I go along and where you lot tin find all of the harnesses I've reviewed to date, listed from my favourite, to my least favourite!

Best Domestic dog Harnesses 2022 – Tried & Tested Past A Professional Dog Trainer

Quick Myth Bust! Harnesses DO Non Encourage Pulling!

Estimate what does? You lot.

No slice of worn equipment is responsible for your canis familiaris (or anyone's dog) pulling. The only thing at fault? Is you lot, distressing! Just that'southward the easiest fix in the world! Nosotros but have to tell y'all how to get it right. And yous're doing that correct now, and then well done!!


✅ Halti Preparation Leash

This comes in large size and small sizes – both work wonderfully and I cannot recommend them highly enough. They were my option for all my dogs when I walked professionally. Information technology's also double ended and allows for a alter of lengths.

The Great Affair About A Ii Point Harness & A Double Concluded Lead?

You tin attach the leash to both parts of the harness. This is wonderful if you lot're trying to train a loose leash with a canis familiaris that'south used to pulling as it reduces their relative strength with the forepart indicate.

beagle on a flexi retractable leash
non only is this ane of the primal sins of retractable leashes (considering that ternion attaches to a collar!) just this is just not the way to try and attain a loose leash….

❌ Ditch The Retractable Ternion

For now? Ditch this sonnofafemaledog – because information technology is by virtue of how it functions – rewarding your domestic dog for pulling. The cycle in your dogs head is: I pull > I go more leash. Significant that when they become on a leash of limited length? They pull, expecting to get more than leash, they don't, they get frustrated and continue pulling.

See the problem?

Footstep 2 – Rewards At The Ready!

Notice I said rewards hither, not treats! Because not all rewards are treats and not all treats are rewards.

Check out the piece on High Value Treats – and if you're dislocated in any way, let me know.

Alternatively, consider play as a advantage (here'south our elevation puppy toys! The tug-due east-nuff i could work really well hither).

These should be used liberally to start with lots of "Good!", "That's information technology!", "Go along it upwards, pup!", because we're convincing your pup that existence with yous gives them the skilful stuff. Be that fun, or food.

Step 3 – Implement Some General Rules

In a family situation, this can be so difficult.

No one who is not an adult should be belongings the ternion lone. This should go without saying. I encounter people brag a lot (especially on the german shepherd pages) that their dog is a lamb on a ternion, and will walk perfectly with their 4 year old…

My heart drops to run into that. Please don't, whilst cute, it's a recipe for disaster if the dog bolts for whatever reason. The world is weird and wonderful, allow'due south avoid injuries where we can!

Start with ane person walking your dog. If you're in a one person household this is like shooting fish in a barrel. Simply if you lot use a dog walker or other people are involved (and necessary), brand certain they're on lath with the methodology. You could fifty-fifty transport them this blog to help them figure it out!

We Stop Maxim No. Seriously, no is just going to brand y'all more frustrated. Every fourth dimension you want to say no? Take a deep jiff, plow on your heel and go the other style with a chirpy "This way!" and you'll offset getting him back to the right spot. I'll cover that more later though!

Stride four – Manage The Iii D's

So, I've written about it here, but essentially? Kickoff in a really low lark surroundings, like within your home, practice in at that place to offset, and so work upwardly your chiliad or garden, or to your street, or to a quite part of the park, and and then to in front of a agglomeration of distractions, just work at a altitude from them and slowly brand the altitude smaller, and the duration you expect the loose leash before a reward longer.

airedale terrier walking on a fantastic loose leash
airedale terrier walking on a fantastic loose ternion – fifty-fifty with how short it is, you can still see the slack!

Step v – The Method

Essentially, we lure woof to our side, and you hold a treat or toy infront of his nose, and walk. One step, praise and reward.

Repeat, or if that was way besides piece of cake, get for a few steps.

praise and reward.

Repeat this.

Then as you're seeing repeat success?

Add in a distraction. This might be walking by a beloved toy. Or your partner on the sofa. Or a guest. Or fifty-fifty just a treat laying on the flooring waiting to exist snaffled up!

Yeah. simple stuff.

Increment the distraction. If yous can? Amp it up until y'all have pup successfully walking past your kids, or your partner, singing and dancing.

If they're struggling? Manage your distance from the distraction, or increase the amount of praise and reward.

Utilize challenge slowly and brand certain you're confident they're going to knock it out of the park, every time.

When you're acing this? Motility to a new, slightly higher distracting zone, like, your garden.

Repeat the above.

If your dog begins to pull

This is when you can get disheartened and revert. Don't! Information technology just ways yous've gone too fast. Have it back a step, subtract distraction and span the gap more slowly.

Or… be a tree.

This is where you ballast. Not a matter in this earth or the adjacent volition movement yous. Yous are a mighty oak. The only thing that will movement yous? Is to feel that tension on the lead relax.

Every bit soon equally it does, praise, lure dorsum for a reward.

Bring them dorsum to a comfortable position alongside and begin once again.

Or… U-turn

If the result is a bigger outcome than you think you lot can face? Turn on your heel and go the other way with a quick "This manner!" and bounce off the other mode. Most dogs will eagerly follow. Then, try once more and praise and reward them for catching upwardly and existence in the right spot.

rottie learning loose leash in a training hall
Rottie learning loose leash in a grooming hall – what a wonderful infinite to acquire in a low distraction surroundings.

Step vi – Practice

This sounds daft, only the more than you practice? The quicker y'all'll get information technology. The quicker your dog will get it. And, the quicker your shoulder will thank you.

Information technology's really not rocket scientific discipline. It's just agreement your dog, and what they desire, and making them believe that doing information technology your manner is more valuable than doing it the way he wants to do it.

Step vii – Be Consistent.

At present, whether it'southward just you walking or more people. Yous all have to sing off of the same hymn sheet.

It's not easy, but the more consistent you lot are every day (yes, even on your tired days) and with everyone in your family or puppy intendance circle, the more reliable your dogs response volition exist.

You lot tin can totally stage out some of the treats. You can build to just requite verbal praise or 1 or two treats every walk (simply if you REALLY get into information technology? so you'll keep the treats and just go along training other stuff!)

Jack russell not pulling on a leash with his dad.
information technology doesn't matter what size your dog is, it'due south of import that they learn to walk nicely aslope yous. I actually recommend a harness for this

Question! Did Y'all Find I Didn't Associate This With A Cue Word?

Well, gosh, now you mention it, Ali, I did!

Well, my dears, there'due south a reason for that. The cue should not be a word merely the ternion.

The leash itself becomes the cue. Yep. Getting fancy now, huh?

As soon equally that leash goes on this is an expected behaviour. No cue word required. And that's what yous volition totally reach, if you're consistent.

Notes On Situational Pulling…

Information technology's often about understanding the cycle of reward to figure out why your dog is pulling. In each scenario below, I'll illustrate why the dog pulls.

Dog Pulling To Get Habitation

Common reasons a dog pulls to go home

1 – they know their routine – i.e. they know when they get home, they get food! Food is what they live for and then going habitation is very rewarding for them

2 – they don't feel secure outside – if your puppy tends to exist nervous or broken-hearted and pulls frantically to become dorsum abode, then it could be that the world is pretty overwhelming for them. Look into gentle socialization commencement!

Each of these needs a different approach. If you need help figuring it out further? Let me know and we can book in a one to one.

Dog Pulling To Get To Other Dogs

This is almost ever excitement (aka, other dog represents the most fun thing in the world) or fearfulness (aka, the other dog represents a threat and needs to go away, now).

They're actually treated pretty similarly, and it'southward about being able to work with your dog when they tin still focus on you and not the other dog.

We work at this distance and slowly subtract the distance, reassuring pup that they're doing the correct matter by paying attention to us, and not reacting to the other dog.

walking nicely on a leash isn't impossible!
walking nicely on a leash isn't impossible! Information technology'due south pretty piece of cake.

Dog Pulling To Sniff

This one is really obvious when you see it. That sniff? That is the reward.

If you're trying to visualise the equivalent for me and you? Put a one thousand thousand pounds (or dollars) on top of the post box (mailbox) or beneath that tree… now you know why he'due south pulling!

So, all you're going to do in this situation is to use that smell as a reward besides. You're non saying puppy can't have his million dollar odor – you're saying he can if he walks nicely.  Come across the deviation?

Tip: We tin can't continuously deny our dogs they things they dear. It makes for a sad dog, and a sad dog is one that's harder to work with (unsurprisingly!) so, happy dogs are easier dogs. Remember that the next time yous attempt and keep Fido walking direct past a smell he's drastic for!

So, what you'll do with the higher up process is to arrange it. Such that you act like a tree (stand up still), wait for them to pay attention (or call them if need be), bring them back to yous, reward them, and try approaching again.

Praise and reward whilst puppy is in the right spot.

Then, as you go to the smell? You're showing he can have the all-time of both worlds, what he wants, and a whole bunch of treats and rewards too, if he does it your manner and refrains from yanking your shoulder from it's socket! (I'm talking largely to our Labrador Mums & Dads here!)


Best Dog Harness For Stopping Pulling

Right, so, I've already said that harness won't encourage pulling, but the all-time harness yous can utilise whilst learning how to successfully walk on a loose leash – is a ruffwear front range harness.

These have 2 points, and work for dogs large or small.

The fact that it has ii points (or ternion attachments), where one is on the back, and the other is on the chest, means that your dogs strength is limited in it'due south application. That front hitch stops them from moving a lot quicker than the i on the rear.

But if the front end range doesn't piece of work for your dog for whatever reason Check out our Tried and Tested All-time Harnesses.

What Harness Stops A Dog From Pulling?

None, proper equipment is not designed to stop a domestic dog from pulling, it'south designed to ensure they cannot escape, are comfortable and protected. This fashion we maintain our dog's wellness and confidence, equally well every bit non forcing them to do what we desire using the medium of discomfort or pain.

Nevertheless, the best harness for educational activity a loose leash walking (as mentioned above) is the ruffwear forepart range.

dog pulling on leash
when your dog is constantly pulling on it'south ternion it's really not about whether they should or shouldn't, it's nearly safety.

What's Best To Stop My Dog Pulling?


Follow the method above, and you'll start to see results and then long as y'all put in the work.

What Atomic number 82 Stops A Dog Pulling?

None, sadly! There's only one thing that stops a dog from pulling, and it'southward preparation, sorry! That said, the method in this post is tried and tested, if you're willing to put in a fiddling time and effort, (for which your shoulders will cheers!) you lot can have a dog who walks perfectly on leash.

Is It Safety To Walk A Dog That Pulls While Meaning?


This is a pretty simple one, but if your dog pulls, and catches you unaware, and you fall? Or anything like to this, it's simply not worth the safety of yourself and your baby for a canis familiaris that's pulling on leash. It's a good idea to make sure that this is in order before falling pregnant, but call up that a dog walker may be able to alleviate the strain or trainer to aid you lot go information technology right.

Can Pulling On A Leash Hurt Puppy?

Information technology sure can, that's why it's important to teach a loose leash from a young age and to get information technology right. Their necks and bodies are growing and developing so continued strain is something that can take a greater toll at this age than later in their life.

Why Does My Dog Pulls On Leash To The Signal Of Choking?

Because he or she wants to become somewhere, and the lure of getting to that place is more rewarding than the pain or discomfort the choking is being – information technology's really worrying though, huh?

Well, it can do impairment. So be aware that what's causing the issue is the misbalance in one of the 3D's of grooming, go back to nuts and effigy out where your misalignment is.

My Dog Barks Whilst He'due south Pulling On A Atomic number 82, Is That The Same?

No, this sounds like it's escalated (or escalating towards) reactivity.

If your dog is a puppy, take information technology back in terms of socialisation, you may exist advancing them quicker than they would similar.

If your domestic dog is grown, then consider either online training for reactivity, or going through the web log post on information technology.

This one is really not one to be taken lightly!

dog playing tug with leash, it's pulling on a leash
Leonberger puppy playing tug with leash, it's pulling on a leash – merely differently?

My dog is Pulling And Biting The Leash, What Should I Practice?

Well, there's a few reasons for biting the leash… permit's expect at those.

  1. They want to play – consider using a tuggy toy whilst out for a reward.
  2. Yous're moving also slow (they'll demand to learn patience so check above!)
  3. If they're a retrieving breed, or a german language shepherd, they may just like conveying things! Why non give them something to acquit instead?

It's pretty easy remedied in about instances, and so don't worry too much!

My Dog Is Still Pulling With A Gentle Leader, Why?

Because the pain and discomfort are not plenty of a dissuasion vs the potential of getting where they desire to become. You find this in a lot of breeds that don't like to show pain, such every bit the Akita.

This means, you have to make being abreast y'all and with you more than rewarding and more highly-seasoned than where they desire to go, as well as simultaneously stopping them from going where they desire to go.

Try the preparation method in this weblog every bit well every bit the equipment, you'll find it'll work amend with much more reliable results!

Why Is My Dog Pulling Backwards On His Leash?

If he's retreating then you're doing something wrong. Whether he's wearing a collar or harness, this is a situation that yous're going to want to put a stop to for prophylactic reasons pretty apace. If you're worried nigh them escaping their harness, opt for a harness with a breadbasket strap, like the ruffwear webmaster or flagline. These will finish that escapable-risk.

To stop it, try walking in the direction your domestic dog wants to go, then turning dorsum to the original direction.

If they withal refuse to get, then there may be a larger problem at fault here. Don't force them considering y'all'll make it worse.

If you want to discuss, practise allow me know, I'd be happy to book in a i:1!

Can I Use A Prong Collar or Compression Collar To Make My Dog Walk Nicely?

Try the grooming method in this blog as well as the equipment, you lot'll discover it'll work better with much more reliable results. Prong collars can be used, but they achieve their results with pain and penalty (put bluntly) as opposed to guidance.

Much similar children, dogs larn amend with guidance than with punishment, and you don't need a prong collar to achieve your goal.

Because the pain and discomfort are not plenty of a dissuasion vs the potential of getting where they want to become. You observe this in a lot of breeds that don't similar to show hurting, such every bit the Akita.

This means, y'all have to make existence beside y'all and with you more rewarding and more highly-seasoned than where that want to go, too equally simultaneously stopping them from going where they desire to become.

Loose Ternion Success!

By increasing everything in minor increments, we can see success with a loose leash walk. It'due south a bully and marvellous thing that you lot can achieve – same every bit every other canis familiaris owner.

Honestly, you don't need a new contraption, your dog isn't broken, you lot only need fourth dimension, patience and the right guidance – and that can be said for most things in the dog training world.

If you need assistance, help, or guidance applying this to your puppy, canis familiaris, or situation, book in a bawl twenty-four hours. We can embrace it in and we can become great results for you, if you're willing to put in the effort, okay?

Ali Smith is the Positive Puppy Expert, dog trainer and is the founder of Rebarkable. She is passionate about helping puppy parents get things right, right from the start. To aid create a puppy capable of existence a confident and adjustable family member and keep puppies out of shelters.

Ali has won multiple awards for her dog training, and has had her blog (this blog!) rated as 2021 & 2022 worlds' best pet blog!


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